Payment Options

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The Payment section lets you select how you will receive money from customers.

The current options that are available are:

Bank Transfer
Cheque / Money Order
Cash On Delivery
Free Checkout
PayPal Standard

We do have a number of option options available, however there are setup fees to get this running


Edit / Install / Uninstall

You are able to Edit, Install or Uninstall these different payment methods.


This guide will show you how to edit three of the most important Payment MethodsBank Transfer, Cash on Delivery and Paypal.



This payment method is normally set up as default. If you do not already have a paypal account please click here to get one now.

E-Mail: You will need to add in your paypal email that you want your funds sent to.

Sandbox Mode:(Test Mode)This needs to be selected on No, if the online shopping platform is working.

Transaction methodSale (recommended) or Authorization.

Debug Mode: Disabled (recommended)

Total: The checkout total the order must reach before this payment method becomes active.

Order Status: There are numerous order statuses: PendingProcessingCancelledFailedCompleted etc. – normally just match them up with the same type from the drop down (unless you need it listed differently)

Geo Zones: If you want to sell the products worldwide, you will need to select All Zones. Either, you will need to select UK ZonesUS Zones and others.

Status: Enabled or Disabled

Sort Order: Whether the admin wants a payment method to be viewed first or last.



Bank Transfer:

If you wish to use this payment method, you will need to configure this option:

Bank Transfer Instructions: The admin needs to complete this field using information, such as bank account number, bank name and details regarding the admin’s address or its company. This information will come on handy for the user to know where to make the payment.


Order Status: Pending, Processing, Failed, Completed etc.

Geo Zone: UK Zone, US Zone, All Zones etc.

Status: Enabled or Disabled

Sort Order.



Cash on Delivery:

It is the simplest way of purchasing and paying for products. It requires only the adjustment of few parameters, such as:


Order Status: Pending, Processing, Failed, Completed etc.

Geo Zones: UK Zone, US Zone, All Zones etc.

Status: Enabled or Disabled

Sort Order.



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