With the coming of the mobile revolution being heralded for years, it seems we’re finally here (even though it came in with a whimper, more than a bang). With that said, it’s now critical that every marketer that wants to stay competitive be not only findable, but viewable on mobile […]
Overcoming the Curse of Knowledge with a Simple Survey
As internet marketers, we have many curses thrown upon us each day, but none so heavy as the one most of us don’t even take into consideration, The Curse of Knowledge. The Curse of Knowledge is a simple theory that makes a whole lot of sense when you finally learn […]
Crafting the Perfect ‘How To’ Blog for Your Website
Since Google is cracking down on website scraping (even though Google is the biggest website scraper out there giving viewers condensed content scraped from other sites right in a box at the top of SERPs), the ‘how to’ article has become a bit of a taboo. In reality, unless you […]
Running Out of Things to Blog About? 3 Tips to Get You Back on Track
In this content heavy market, blogs and reviews likely drive a large chunk of traffic to your site and sales from it. Unfortunately, this also means writing (or outsourcing) a steady stream of blogs for your website, which means you are working with limited resources. If you’re paying for your […]
Making it Hard to Say No Gets More Yeses in Marketing
The last thing we want to hear from our leads is one simple word: No. No is the death of a sale, the end of a funnel, the loss of a lead. So while it might seem pretty obvious that you want to give your leads more chances to say […]
Two Blunt Ways to Get More Clicks through Your Headline
Content marketing is bigger than ever so that means tons of articles and blogs are going up and being shared each and every day. With social media being such a large part of the virality equation, we all know the importance of a good headline. But with click-baiting reaching its […]
Make Your List Come to You with Recurring Content Events
If we’ve learned one thing as online marketers it’s that perception is everything. This isn’t a ballpoint pen I’m trying to sell you, it’s the tool that will unlock your earning potential when you sign your name in the right place. That isn’t a towel, it’s the solution for all […]
Three Enormously Bad Landing Page Copy Techniques
Do you have a landing page that is under-performing or not converting at all? If so, consider the fact that many landing pages out there follow three extremely flawed approaches for content creation. If your landing page falls into one of these three categories, it’s likely that any promotions, ads […]
Making Your Call To Action More Actionable
The standard call to action has become far too recognizable for the Internet savvy masses who know a hard sell when they see one. They know when they click “Sing Up Here” that they are likely going to receive spam. They know that when they click “Buy Now” they are […]
Start Theme Setup
To get the Start Theme set-up correctly there are a few steps that you have to take Below you will see a few links to different blank images that are in this theme To create a image suitable for your selected theme, copy this link and follow the details of using an […]