Marketers, we need to have a talk. For the past few years, the cost per click of Google Adwords, and now Facebook’s newsfeed ads and promoted posts, have been climbing. It makes sense that as platforms have become more and more known to marketers and the public in general, more […]
Using “Help A Reporter Out” To Find Experts
Help A Reporter Out, or HARO, is a PR and journalism platform. Journalists or users registered as media outlets can submit calls for sources for their story ideas, and experts and brands can pick and choose to email various prompts via an email newsletter that HARO sends out several times […]
How to Promote Your Blog Posts as an Online Marketer: Part 2
So you’ve churn out a stellar blog post. I mean a real whopper, something that will make people say, “wow, I’ve never thought of it like that!” Packed with data, case studies, and references, written with the eloquence of a modern day Shakespeare, your article is going to take the […]
The Art of the Guest Post
Left and right, entrepreneurs and businesses are using blogs to help build their businesses. From transparency blogs, which follow a journey, to straight up authority resources, people still like to read, and content marketers who can give them something nice to look at and valuable to read will have no […]
SEO’s Outer Appearance Finally Resembles Its Inner Working
Were you involved in the online marketing world back in 2010? Earlier? Ever as recently as a couple of years ago, actually, the strategies that were considered surefire paths to SEO domination were completely different from what they are today. Interestingly enough, however, Google was saying the exact same things […]
How Internet Marketers Can Hit A Grand Slam With Guest Posting
Recently, content marketing has been all the rage. It isn’t that it’s only now that content marketing is starting to be effective, but more so that larger, more traditional media and advertising powerhouses are finally starting to take the trend seriously. Content marketing, for several years now, has been the […]
The Demise of Google+ for Your Business
Over the last few years you have probably heard about, or seen Google+. It was touted as the next big thing and backed by Google’s billions of users, you would think they had a decent chance of success. They even forced their own users to sign up to Google+ before […]
The No BS Intuitive Guide To SEO Success
SEO is one of those secretive beasts that has been the obsession of online marketers since the dawn of their profession. Especially with the event of one search engine pulling far ahead of the rest in its usage, an intense culture was born out of focusing on how to best […]
Redeveloping the Headline – How to Generate and Narrow Down Headline Ideas
Ever wondered how professional copywriters, ad agency creatives, and online marketers arrive at killer headlines that draw readers in and have them pulling out their wallets like nobody’s business? Wonder no more, because today, we’ll be taking a look at exactly how many of those headlines come to be. The […]
Google Announces Cancellation of Its PageSpeed Service
If you currently are using Google’s free PageSpeed Service to speed up your web pages, you should probably start looking for another service now. That’s because Google recently announced that it is cancelling its PageSpeed service, effective in August. Google’s PageSpeed Service, which was first launched in 2010, uses tools […]