It’s no secret that the folks over at Apple have always been a little jealous of Google’s dominance as the Internet’s top search engine. But the iCompany has been bogged down with too many product launches and keeping the company strong in the wake of Steve Jobs’ death to do […]
Ways to Create Fresh Content to Keep Visitors Coming Back for More
Creating new content is critical to the success of your web pages, but let’s face it: It’s also a pain in the butt. It often seems like you’ve already said everything you want to say about your blog or website’s subject matter. Yet if you don’t provide a constant stream […]
Top Google Executive Says Link Building May Actually Harm Your Rankings
When Google launched its’ Penguin and Panda updates to its search engine algorithm, it became pretty obvious that the gig was up when it came to using backlinks to improve an individual web page’s site ranking. For years, black hat IMers had been packing their pages with inorganic backlines because […]
The Internet Marketer’s Google Penalty Recovery Plan
If your site has been hit with a Google penalty, the loss in traffic and revenue can be absolutely devastating. Some marketers might well choose to scrap their site and start all over again (which isn’t a bad idea if your site isn’t a monster), but for others who have […]
Why are People Leaving Websites?
Have you ever wondered what the most popular reasons are that people leave websites? Recently, Kissmetrics put out some very interesting data and numbers that should help every marketer out there understand their viewer behavior just a little bit better. Poor Navigation and Layout If your website is poorly designed […]
Are You Retargeting Your Visitors?
Did you know that only about 20% of all first-time visitors to a website will become a conversion on that visit? That means 80% of your site’s visitors are leaving without converting, even if they want to. With shopping cart abandonment making major waves in the eCommerce industry because of […]
5 Key Factors That Make Good Webcopy Great
The start of the month in internet marketing land should be called copytime. Every website out there is looking for brand new copy, from blogs to social media posts to web copy. Of these three important types of copy, only one is going to represent your website day in […]
Responsive Website vs. Native App – How Far Do You Need to Go Mobile?
With the coming of the mobile revolution being heralded for years, it seems we’re finally here (even though it came in with a whimper, more than a bang). With that said, it’s now critical that every marketer that wants to stay competitive be not only findable, but viewable on mobile […]
Is the Party Over Now that the FCC Passed Net Neutrality?
As you probably heard by now, the Federal Communications Commission recently approved new rules based on the principles of “net neutrality” that essentially finally put some sort of regulations over Internet usage. Some are calling it the “Equal Opportunity Act” for Internet speeds and access to websites. But is this […]
How To Attract Customers To Your Business Who Are Ready To Buy
Do you need more customers? Are you sick of people visiting your website or business and not buying? Well keep reading as we will show you How To Attract Customers To Your Business Who Are Ready To Buy. Much worse than having no visitors to your website or business premises is […]