When it comes to internet marketing, most businesses have made the effort to try and have a presence on at least one of the popular Social Media sites: Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; YouTube. These sites are viewed as the ‘fun’ cousins of the Social Media world, the site everyone seems to […]
Growing Your Customer Base
Winning a new customer is far more expensive than selling more to your existing clients. Knowing who your best customers are can help you improve customer satisfaction and also help you sell more to those existing customers. Gaining new clientele is one of the most difficult aspects of running a […]
How To Attract Customers To Your Business Who Are Ready To Buy
Do you need more customers? Are you sick of people visiting your website or business and not buying? Well keep reading as we will show you How To Attract Customers To Your Business Who Are Ready To Buy. Much worse than having no visitors to your website or business premises is […]
How to Get the Search Engines to Send Thousands More Customers to Your Site
At its most basic level, search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of enhancing and promoting a website in an effort to boost the number of visitors coming through from the search engines. The majority of your visitors are expected to arrive via the popular search engines and SEO configuration […]
Outrank Your Competitors and Make More Sales…Your Guide to Building Links for Top Search Engine Rankings
So, you’ve built your website and you’re ready to take orders. Then the reality sets in and you suddenly stop and think, “How do I actually get people to my website?”You need search engine traffic to send people to your site and search engines such as Google and Bing want […]
How to Avoid 10 of the Most Common Internet Marketing Mistakes That Could Seriously Harm Your Businesses
Times have changed. The new frontier for marketing is no longer traditional media of print and television. More and more small businesses are now taking their business online because that is where their customers are. Although it presents some new challenges, it also has huge advantages for small local businesses […]
What’s New for Internet Marketing in 2015?
So, right about now your newsfeed is probably littered with predictions for internet marketing in 2015, ringing in the New Year with “insider knowledge” in your pocket, blah, blah, baitclick. What a drastic change from each one of the past ten New Years blog trends, no? Do you want to […]
The Art of the Giveaway to Build a Targeted Email List
So let’s open up with the assumption that you have some people on your email list and these people are in your target demographic. Let’s add to it a simple premise: the people that they know are either also in your target audience, or very similar to them. Why? Because […]
Internet Marketing Overkill – It’s Not What you Think
The internet has changed the way millions of things, places, people and brands market themselves and every now and then, it’s good to take a look at one of these new trends and see if we can make it fit universally. Take for instance, the new trend in the music […]
5 Tips for a Successful Holiday Email Marketing Campaign
With the holiday season right around the corner, it’s a great time to take advantage of some targeting with your email marketing campaigns. Even if you’re so lazy that you simply write “Happy Holidays!” in the signature, it would behoove you to make some effort to bring your customers into […]