What is On Page SEO?

Do you want more web traffic? Are you failing to reach your ideal online customer base? If you think that your online success could do with a boost, then you may want to start by improving your SEO. SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is first and foremost about making your […]

How to Avoid 10 of the Most Common Internet Marketing Mistakes That Could Seriously Harm Your Businesses

Times have changed. The new frontier for marketing is no longer traditional media of print and television. More and more small businesses are now taking their business online because that is where their customers are. Although it presents some new challenges, it also has huge advantages for small local businesses […]

Google’s Latest War on Guest Blogging

  Are you guest blogging? If so, stop! Despite what everyone has told you, it’s horrible! Well, okay, now it’s horrible. In Google’s never-ending quest to drive internet marketers crazy, as it turns out the once widely touted practice of guest blogging for link building purposes is now considered taboo. […]

Why Everyone Needs a Website

Online marketing – now there are two words that are enough to strike fear into the hearts of those looking to promote themselves or their businesses! It is definitely a scary concept, especially if you have limited knowledge of how the Internet works but it is one that you can […]