Email is a major time sink. We’re talking multiple hours per day for many busy individuals, and as much as half their workdays can be spent on email for those among us with high rates of communication with clients, contacts, and colleagues. What’s worse, people often feel like they’re being […]
Avoid False Guru Status to Boost Credibility
Want to know what one of the fastest ways to kill your credibility is? To pretend to have it when you don’t. It’s an unfortunate reality, but the landscape of online marketing has been invaded over the past decade by those claiming to be experts in things that they, to […]
How To Use “Help A Reporter Out” For Your Blog Or Brand
Ever heard of popular PR and journalism tool “Help A Reporter Out”? If you’re not acquainted but you have a brand or expertise to market, this quickstart guide will give you the basics. At its core, Help A Reporter Out, or HARO, is a platform to help connect journalists with […]
Using “Help A Reporter Out” To Find Experts
Help A Reporter Out, or HARO, is a PR and journalism platform. Journalists or users registered as media outlets can submit calls for sources for their story ideas, and experts and brands can pick and choose to email various prompts via an email newsletter that HARO sends out several times […]
Why You Should Break Away From Title Conventions In 2016
How many times have you read a lame “5 Ways to Improve Your Bottom Line!” title, clicked through, and the been disappointed to find the same old generic, rehashed information on the other side? If you roll your eyes whenever these titles come up in your Facebook feed or from […]
What It Means To Be An Entrepreneur In 2016
In the online marketing space, there seems to be a false equivalency between the “freedom of quitting your 9 to 5” and “being an entrepreneur.” More appropriately, there’s the misunderstanding that becoming an entrepreneur won’t mean putting in many, many more hours than 40 per week; this is especially true if you’re […]
How to Stay True to Your IM Vision
Remember when you first made the decision to pour yourself into internet marketing? Maybe you’ve felt the rush of quitting your 9-to-5 in favor of starting off on a venture where success or failure rest squarely on your shoulders and yours alone, where earning potential is virtually unlimited and the […]
What’s New for Internet Marketing in 2015?
So, right about now your newsfeed is probably littered with predictions for internet marketing in 2015, ringing in the New Year with “insider knowledge” in your pocket, blah, blah, baitclick. What a drastic change from each one of the past ten New Years blog trends, no? Do you want to […]