Can my store handle downloadable Products?

Although not a standard feature, you cart does have the capability to handle downloadable products.Simply contact us to get this option enabled on your cart.

Please note that there is an additional charge to allow downloads on your website as it does take additional resources to host and share these files.

The way the download feature works is that a customer cannot download the file until after they have purchased it.

Once paid for the download links will show up in their account section.

The download feature is for downloadable “products” meaning you want to get paid before giving the product to the customer.


Uploading Products:


In the admin area of your cart


Click Other Services –> Downloads


Click Insert



Download Name:

Click browse to navigate to the files on your computer

Select number of times a customer can download a paid for product

You need to add all the products you have via this method



Adding the downloads to your product:


In the admin area of your cart

Click Catalog –> Product

Select the product / create a new one that relates to the download(s)

In the product areas click the Links Tab

Select the downloads related to this product (that you added in Step 1 above)

Then, add the product in the normal way and make sure “Requires Shipping” is set to No


You also need to be sure downloads are enabled in the main settings area and set the download order status to the order status that you want the download to be allowed at. usually “Complete”.

(Admin –> Settings –> Option tab)

Then set your payment’s order status to “complete” as well so that you don’t have to interact at all.. it will all be automatic


*Download Name

Name of the download. The download name is displayed to customers when choosing a download.



Select the file for customers to download. Multiple files should be in zip format. Click BROWSE Button to select and upload from your computer.


Total Downloads Allowed

Set the number of downloads a customer is allowed on a single order. If more than one order is made or the quantity of a downloadable product is higher than one then the number of downloads will be added together.

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