Editing / Installing modules

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Editing / installing  Modules

You can get to the account module by clicking on

Extensions > Modules

To open a module click the button under the right hand ‘Action column’

Edit to modify the extension

(if it is not running you can click Install then click edit )

Core modules overview

Account: The User Account links (My Account, Edit Account, Order History, etc) box for the customer to access.
Affiliate: Links for the store’s affiliate program is made available in a box for affiliates to access.
Banners: Adds an image banner with icons linking to different products or manufacturers in the store.
Bestsellers: Adds a window displaying the best sellers wherever position/page it is specified.
Carousel: Displays banner that can be navigated through as a slideshow.
Category: Displays a module containing all the categories and subcategories of the store.
Featured: Displays a feature box containing selected products.
Google Talk: A chat box used with a Google account to interact with customers. 
Information: Adds the information tab containing the Information pages (About Us, Delivery Info, Privacy Policy, Terms&Conditions)
Latest: Adds the latest, or most recently added, products in the form of product icons to a product box on a page. 
Specials: Displays all the products with Specials in a product box. Specials can be added to products in the Special tab. 
Store: Creates a box for the customer to select another store to visit if there are multiple stores managed with OpenCart.
Welcome: Creates a custom “Welcome” message for the customer to view on the home page.

Setting a Modules Position

There are manu different modules available and some of them do have different instructions

However generally there are 4 main features

  • Layout
  • Position
  • Status
  • Sort Order


The layout area lets you specify what pages the modules is to be displayed on. If you would like to include the module on multiple pages, you must individually click the “Add Module” button then set the layout for each page. The Layout can only select one page per line. Please note that these are template dependent so may not always work as you select them


The position area lets you select the position you would like hte module to be displayed on the page.

You can select  top, bottom, left, or right side of a page.

This lets you move the module into different ares of the page. Again you may not be able to have a module display in all the areas as the template may not allow it


Enable – on

Disable – off

Disabling the module keeps all the module information available to be edited in the administration, while hiding it from the store front. Uninstalling the module will remove the store module information. Selecting “Enabled” will make this module publicly available on the pages selected for the store.

Sort order:

This is the position of the module in relation to other area already active

The lower the sort order the higer up the page it will be listed

ie a sorting order of 1 will mean it goes above a module with a sorting order of 5


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