Gift Vouchers and Voucher Themes

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Gift Vouchers






* Code
The code the customer enters to activate the voucher.    Choose your own or leave blank for a random number to be generated. Customer must enter code exactly as shown here.

* From Name
Name of customer who purchased this gift voucher.

* From E-Mail 
Email address of customer who purchased this gift voucher.

* To Name 
Name of recipient specified by purchaser.

* To E-Mail 
Email address of recipient as specified by purchaser.

* Message
A message to gift recipient as specified by purchaser.

Amount purchased by customer.

Select Birthday, Christmas, or General, or a custom theme that you have uploaded in Sales -> Gift Voucher -> Voucher Themes.

Select Enabled to allow recipient to use voucher, or Disabled to refuse.


Vouchers Themes







Upload images that will be included in the gift voucher emails, then you can select them as you create each gift voucher. Theme images included are Birthday, Christmas and General.

*Voucher Theme Name
Enter or edit a name for the voucher.

Click the picture to insert or change a photo, then select the new photo from your computer.



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