Think of Paypal as another bank account
Edit / Install / Uninstall
You are able to Edit, Install or Uninstall these different payment methods.
This payment method is normally set up as default. If you do not already have a paypal account please click here to get one now.
E-Mail: You will need to add in your paypal email that you want your funds sent to.
Sandbox Mode:(Test Mode)This needs to be selected on No, if the online shopping platform is working.
Transaction method: Sale (recommended) or Authorization.
Debug Mode: Disabled (recommended)
Total: The checkout total the order must reach before this payment method becomes active.
Order Status: There are numerous order statuses: Pending, Processing, Cancelled, Failed, Completed etc. – normally just match them up with the same type from the drop down (unless you need it listed differently)
Geo Zones: If you want to sell the products worldwide, you will need to select All Zones. Either, you will need to select UK Zones, US Zones and others.
Status: Enabled or Disabled
Sort Order: Whether the admin wants a payment method to be viewed first or last.
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