In an address to the Greater Baltimore Technology Council in 2006, author, entrepreneur, and marketing expert Seth Godin summed up the importance of marketing with a very simple phrase: “Ideas that spread, win.”
8 Basic E-commerce Terms Every Online Entrepreneur Should Know
E-commerce is a major part in the lives of many entrepreneurs, and almost everyone with internet access has at the very least visited an online shop once, if not purchased something from it. Thus there are a few basic terms that really everyone should know – especially existing and future […]
How to craft your 30 second elevator pitch or networking introduction
An elevator pitch is a short pitch of what you do and how you can help the person you are talking to. Most people say you have 10 seconds to capture the persons attention and to get them to want to know more. Below is a video by public speaker […]
How to have a successful business
Even though this video is from almost 10 years ago – the message still rings true today. CNBC’s talk show “The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch”, which ended in 2008, talked to successful businessmen and women about their histories and philosophies. Many of these talksended up providing some sound advice for would-be entrepreneurs. […]
Richard Branson – a day in the life
If you think your day is busy – Check out Richard Branson – a day in the life
Why Everyone Needs a Website
Online marketing – now there are two words that are enough to strike fear into the hearts of those looking to promote themselves or their businesses! It is definitely a scary concept, especially if you have limited knowledge of how the Internet works but it is one that you can […]
The Source of Practical Action: What Is the Real Meaning of Thinking Smart?
There have been a number of debates about what “smart thinking” truly means and how people can apply it correctly to their lives and business endeavors in order to achieve quick, positive results. Some, of course, would argue that, in order to […]
A Complementary Perspective on Multitasking and Its Relationship with High Level Productivity
In this day and age, being able to multitask is seen by many as a crucial requirement, especially in the fast paced world of business, where productivity is everything. But how productive is multitasking, and can it truly help you get everything done better and faster? […]
Preparing for Productive Work – How Do You Get in the Zone?
Preparing for work or for any significant event or activity you may want to take part in is not always easy. There are many people who have lost great opportunities for advancement simply because they were nervous, anxious or they just didn’t feel ready. […]
Simple and Practical Techniques for Completely Eliminating Your Unproductive Days
Hidden In Plain Sight: Why We Have Unproductive Days Even though many believe that circumstance has a large role to play in “making” you unproductive, people who have reached a certain level of success have always known that there’s much more to it than that. The basic idea […]